About Aryavrat Foundation

Aryavrat Foundation, which is said to be the root of this world, is established to educate the world about Indian Culture, Heritage, Achievements, and Ancient Science & Technology.


Our mission is to bring Indians together from different parts of the world and to educate them about Indian Culture and its ethics which they had forgotten in this busy life. They forgot how much rich they are in terms of Culture and Customs & Traditions. The things, the knowledge, and the art of living which they are now searching in other countries were given by our ancient rishis to the world. Whether it is Ayurveda, Yoga, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Astronomy, or Astrology, all these have their roots in India.

We started educating our children, students from schools and colleges, about this great culture because they are now the root of the upcoming future. We are open to conducting seminars, workshops, and training to anyone who is interested in learning about the technologies proposed by our ancient researchers. Students, corporate professionals, teachers, businessmen, women, etc., anyone can implement this in his or her life and can be a useful asset to this world. Again, we are now practicing to teach the world just as we did at the time of Takshila and Nalanda in earlier centuries. Our main motto is to train the students to think beyond the Horizon.

It’s now time to get together. Let’s have a call to all youth to join our mission and make an effort to raise awareness about our precious Indian culture and ancient knowledge.

Let’s make India again no. 1 in all aspects of Science and Technology, Meditation, Yoga, Political Science, Ayurveda, etc.